Acid And Alkaline Foods
We can reduce the acid in the body by reducing the amount of acidic foods we eat while increasing the amounts of alkaline foods we eat. There is no need to be extreme with your diet and remove all acidic foods. Correct Acid Alkaline Diet To Reduce Inflammation Joondalup Perth Chiropractor Lakeside Chiropractic The reason behind this mini science lesson is that the foods we eat can affect the acid-alkaline balance of our blood. Acid and alkaline foods . Often they are harmful and not just for your pH levels. This promotes a healthy pH level. Food components that leave an acidic ash include protein phosphate and sulfur while alkaline components include calcium magnesium and potassium 1. It also limits foods that are acid forming in the body which means less meat grains and processed foods. At the same time very acidic foods should be avoided. Includes vegetables nuts seeds pulses grains fats oils fruits and more. Detailed Alkaline Foods A more in-depth look at the f...