Non Genetically Modified Banana
Organic A 5-digit code starting with the number 9. Try other types of bananas such as the excellent Apple Bananas Saba Ice cream or the Cuban Red variety. Pin On Yummy OMG to the Bananas we have now because there is no way I would eat a banana like those in the old days its less attractive and according to research it was not tasty at all. Non genetically modified banana . Since they are using a technique that doesnt require any foreign genomes but rather just tweaking the existing banana DNA the super banana is a genetically engineered organism GEO rather than the more controversial genetically modified organism GMO. 03172016 0147 pm ET Updated Mar 18 2017. Wild bananas contain big hard seeds and very little flesh. Yes We Need No GMO Bananas. However genetically modified Cavendish banana trees are being field tested in. Currently 100 of the bananas for sale in the world are non-GMO. Without the genetic modification by selective breeding bananas would be almost in...