Beta Fish Habitats
They are found in rice paddies and drainage ditches river basins and small streams. Semaraknya cupang alam dalam percaturan cupang dunia saat ini tidak urung mengangkat nama Betta channoides yang habitat aslinya di Sungai Mahakam dekat Pampang Kalimantan Timur. Betta Wikipedia Maintain a tropical habitat at 76-81 degrees Fahrenheit. Beta fish habitats . Betta fish prefer water in the pH range of 65-75. As smaller tanks cause bettas to damage their fins. Gravel is very hard to clean so I use glass stones. Glass stones can break in half when you are cleaning them so be sure to check for any broken ones whenever you are cleaning the tank. Distribution of the Betta. There is also normally lots of vegetation. It is a wild-type betta native to Borneo Indonesia. This tropical region does not get very. If you live in a temperate climate wintertime weather can present. Additionally they often live in waters with very low oxygen content. Betta fish also like living...