Exotic Domestic Cats
Brachycephalic syndrome or respiratory distress syndrome is a disease that affects brachycephalic cats those with a short nose and flat facesuch as your Exotic Shorthair. The Birman is a long-haired colour-pointed cat distinguished by a silky coat deep blue eyes and contrasting white gloves or socks on each paw. 6 Spotted Cat Breeds In some other associations its known as the Exotic Shorthair to differentiate it from the Exotic Longhairs that sometimes appear in Exotic litters and are considered by some associations as a breed unto themselves. Exotic domestic cats . The breed name is derived from Birmanie the French form of Burma. We are very experienced in non-domestic cat care and breeding. A serval is a slender African wild cat with large ears long legs and a black-spotted orange-brown coat. The exotically gorgeous Bengal is a cross between a domestic cat and an Asian Leopard Cat. This can include furniture walls and their owner. Bobcats Canada Lynx Eurasian Lynx Sand C...